Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Helping Anxious Women Overcome Trauma, Loss, & Broken Hearts
Online Counseling for Women with Anxiety in Utah, Arkansas, Florida, and Oklahoma
Online Coaching for Women ready to focus on transformation from these experiences available Worldwide *
Transforming women, healing, & mental healthcare
Starting counseling and telehealth can feel like drinking water from a fire hose, but we are going to make it super easy!
Ready to set an appointment? Start here
How Does Online Therapy For Women Work?
My role as a therapist isn’t to give you advice or tell you what you should or shouldn’t do. You know yourself best. Ultimately, you are the expert on you! My role is to work alongside you to help you process and overcome the challenges and struggles that are impacting your mental and emotional wellbeing. Sometimes, we need someone to help us look at things in a different way or identify patterns or emotions that we can’t see in ourselves. I think of it like turning a kaleidoscope—it’s not about changing the pieces or taking away a part of you or a part of your past, it’s about changing the experience and how it impacts your present and your future. Therapy is a collaborative effort between you as the client and me as your therapist. Together, we set specific goals that you want to focus on in our work together.
What is Telehealth or Video counseling?
Telehealth is where the therapist and client connect with a secure, HIPAA compliant service with video. It is live, in the moment conversation as if we are in the same room but through a computer or smart device like a tablet or cell phone. This means no driving, no sitting in traffic, no trying to find a parking place or rushing out the door to be on time. You don’t even need to put your shoes on. Research has shown that telehealth provides the same effective treatment and results for eligible clients.
What Can I Expect For My First Online Therapy Appointment?
Usually, the first session is spent discussing your history and reviewing the intake form that you completed before the first appointment. Spending time getting to know and understand you better helps give me a clearer picture of your situation. It helps us both identify the specific goals you want to address in your sessions. Right from the begining, we will start to explore where you are now and where you want to be. I beleive that you deserve to get the maximum benefits from the begining—not just for the hour of therapy but also for the week. We focus on specific steps you can take THIS WEEK to start to see results.
How Long Do Appointments Last?
Appointments are scheduled hourly and typically last about 55 minutes.
How Often Do We Meet For Therapy Appointments?
I have found that meeting with clients once a week has been the most beneficial for most as they work toward meeting their counseling goals. Together, we will find a time and day that works with your schedule and meet every week. Occasionally, if a client is going through a particularly difficult time and wants additional support we may decide together to schedule more than one appointment per week. As clients begin to make progress toward their goals, sometimes we will start spacing out appointments to every other week if that feels like a better fit.
How Much Do Online Counseling Sessions Cost?
The initial appointment is $175. All individual sessions after the initial appointment are $150. (Couples sessions $175)
Do You Offer Reduced Rates Or Sliding Scale Rates For Appointments?
If you find yourself without insurance and are in financial need, please ask about a reduced rate in your initial consultation. I do keep a certain amount of appointments for clients with reduced rate needs, so if I have a reduced rate appointment time open, I can offer that to a client in need.
How Does Online Therapy Work?
I use a platform called TherapyNotes to meet with clients for online therapy. Each week, you will receive an appointment reminder with a link for you to click at the time of your scheduled appointment. You do not have to download any extra applications or software. A computer, smart phone, or tablet will work for your video therapy sessions. If you have a set of headphones with a microphone, those can be helpful as they help to cut out background noise and also provide an extra level of privacy for you.
Since You Work With Clients Online, Can You Do Online Therapy With Clients In Any State?
No, at this time, I am licensed in the states of Utah, Arkansas, Florida and Oklahoma, which allows me to work with clients who live in any of those four states. Occasionally, states will make exceptions or allowances for therapists to work with clients who live in a state that they are not licensed in, but this is not a typical practice. If you live in a state other than Utah, Arkansas, Florida, and Oklahoma and are interested in working with me for therapy, feel free to contact me and we can discuss if this is an option for you.
Do You Also Provide Therapy To Clients In A Traditional Office Setting?
While I used to have an office-based counseling practice, right now my practice is completely online. I have found that online therapy gives my clients easier access to counseling services. Meeting online eliminates the struggle of having to deal with traffic to and from appointments, takes away the issue of needing childcare, and allows you to meet with me at a time and in a place that works specifically for you.
What about privacy? How does that work online? I’m a little worried.
As a licensed professional counselor, I am bound by an ethical code of conduct that requires me to maintain client confidentiality and privacy, whether I’m working with clients in person or online. Therefore, when I meet with my clients, I ensure that I am alone in my private home office, away from anyone else, and I use a white noise machine to help block out any sounds. At times I also wear headphones to ensure that nothing you say can be heard by anyone else. The platform I use for sessions, TherapyNotes, is HIPAA compliant and encrypted, which ensures the highest level of protection and privacy for you.
It is also important for you to consider what steps you need to take in order to maintain your own privacy when we meet for your online therapy appointments. You will want to make sure that you are in a place that other people will not overhear our conversation. One of the greatest benefits of online therapy is that it allows you to meet with your therapist at a time and place that works for you. But, it is also very important for you to consider who may be around or nearby when you meet with me. Anticipating this and thinking through these concerns ahead of time will help to ensure that our sessions together are completely confidential. Wearing headphones adds a level of privacy for you as they prevent the things I say from being heard by anyone other than you.
What is the cancelation policy?
All cancelation requests need to be at least 48 hours in advance in order for the time to be filled by the next waiting client. If you do not cancel or request a rescheduled appointment at least 48 hours in advance then you will be charged $100. This is not refundable. Your time is valuable and so is the time committed to therapy. Exceptions can be made at the therapist’s discretion on a case by case basis.
How long will counseling take?
What a popular question! In a world where we can look up the answer in an instant, we are all wanting to have an “end date” for most of our needs. Counseling works a bit differently. I do not beleive that most people in need to be in counseling forever or even for years at a time. This is done on a case by case basis based on what the goals of therapy are and what steps are taken both in session and outside of session. Therapy is both direct and supportive–it is a team effort. Some clients benefit from just a few sessions and others are here for longer to work through the crisis and the underlying stuff so that we don’t just put aband aid on missing limb. We work together until your goals are met and talking about the progress of where we are and how close we are to the end is an open conversation in the process. There is no secret finish line—you are clued in all the way.
Coaching: A modern approach
Maybe you have figured out how to cope with the day to day, but it still doesn’t feel like enough. You know it can be better than this. You survived the experience, even feel good sometimes. Yet something is missing and it feels like sitting in the normal therapy chair is just not going to change it. You don’t want to just talk about it. You want to transform it. That’s where coaching comes in.
It’s not about diagnosis or treatment plans. It’s not a crisis or general coping skills that will get you to the next level of your life and success. You are ready for it to be not just “better”, but want to let it get really, really good. A coaching plan is about understanding both your strengths and getting really clear about the next level, becoming a thriver.
Maybe you feel like an adequate parent, but want to have a stronger relationship yet feel something is holding you back from being the parent you want to be. You have had success in the workplace but feel uncertain what keeps you from getting to the next level. You have worked through some of the roughest steps of loss, yet still don’t know how to both set the past down as well as carry the parts of it with you that bring you peace and comfort.
Together, we create an individual guide of where you are, where you want to be, what’s standing in your way, and how to get you there.
Begin online therapy with Veronica Bratcher.
If you want to talk about the struggles of being a woman, a wife, and a mother, I am here for you. I help anxious women find healing so they can live a happier life. Follow these easy steps to begin online therapy with me:
1. Schedule a no cost, 15-minute consultation phone or video call
2. Learn more about the ways I can help you overcome anxiety in online therapy
3. Find meaning and purpose in your busy life as a woman!
Talk therapy/ Teleheath
Online/Virtual meeting is designated for individuals to process and explore their thoughts, trauma and loss experiences. Therapy generally includes an initial assessment, diagnosis, treatment plan. Typically, meetings are weekly or bi-weekly.
Limited to clients residing in Utah, Arkansas, & Oklahoma USA
60 mins | $175 | Initial Assessment Get started
60 mins | $150 | Individual Session Get started
60 mins | $175 | Couples Session Get started
Coaching Session
Online/Virtual meeting is designated for individuals to identify a specific area they are wanting to improve . Coaching generally includes an initial strengths and goals assessment, identification of barriers, and support throughout implementation of the changes. Typically, meetings are weekly or bi-weekly.
60 mins | $150 | Get started
Group Support Session
Online/Virtual meeting is designated for a small group of individuals to give and receive support, ask questions, and share sucesses and challenges .
90 mins | $75 | Get started—-groups to be announced soon
Full Day Intensive
Online/Virtual meeting is designated for individuals to identify specific areas of concern and treatment/support options.
15 mins | free | Get started
90 mins | $250 | Get started Includes plan and reccommendations
Full day intensives are arranged on a case by case basis with preplanning with therapist, includes 1 hour pre session one week prior and 1 hour post session follow up one week after intensive.
8 hours $1500
I DO accept Cigna and United Healthcare/Optum insurance. For other plans I am considered an out-of-network provider.
Depending on your current health insurance provider or employee benefit plan, it is possible for out-of-network services to be covered in full or in part. Please contact your provider to verify how your plan compensates you for psychotherapy services.
I would recommend asking these questions to your insurance provider to help determine your out-of-network benefits:
Does my health insurance plan include mental health benefits?
Does my plan cover out-of-network services?
Do I have a deductible? If so, what is it and have I met it yet?
If I have a copay for therapy, how much is it?
Does my plan limit how many sessions per calendar year I can have? If so, what is the limit?
Do I need written approval from my primary care physician in order for services to be covered?
Reimbursify is an optional service that you can use that can help explain the out of network process. https://reimbursify.com/how-out-of-network-reimbursement-works/
A note about Couples Counseling: Most insurers do not cover or reimburse couples counseling at all, even out of network. These are some questions you should ask your insurer to find out if yours does provide coverage:
Specifically ask, “Do you pay for diagnostic code Z63.0 – Problems in relationship with spouse or partner”
If they do, ask them what procedure code it should be billed under. Make them look it up and give you a reference. Ask how many sessions they will cover. Have them provide that information to you in writing.
I accept debit and major credit cards as forms of payment within the secure client portal. If you have a flexible spending account (FSA) or health savings account (HSA) those can be used to pay for therapy! We do require that a valid credit card be kept on file for all clients. All card information is stored within a PCI compliant credit processing company for security.
Any Other Questions
Please contact me for any additional questions you may have at 801-214-8089 or veronica@veronicabratcher.com. I look forward to hearing from you!

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